This series of four mini-modules covers the steps required to use available public health datasets to create and act upon HIV and hepatitis C (HCV) viral clearance cascades. These tools are helpful in identifying untreated coinfected persons and bringing them into care to achieve an HCV cure.
Each module includes 3-4 short videos detailing a step in the process. See also the companion document:
- How to Create Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Care Cascades for Persons with HIV/HCV Coinfection: A Written Companion to the Mini-Module Video Training Series for Health Departments and Clinics
This guide describes the process of creating a surveillance-based viral clearance cascade for persons with HIV/HCV coinfection. It also details a specific Data to Care approach where health departments partner with clinics to create clinic-based HCV care cascades.
Project Introduction
These training resources were developed under the Leveraging a Data to Care Approach to Cure Hepatitis C within the RWHAP project. The purpose of this demonstration project was to link people with HIV and hepatitis C or HIV within the Ryan White HIV AIDS Program into care by leveraging existing public health surveillance systems with clinical data systems.