HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment Resource Inventory Compiler

Excel tool to collect and analyze all HIV resources in the jurisdiction, as required by the Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Guidance, including the Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need, CY 2022-2026.

The Excel tool generates a formatted HIV Resources Inventory table, and includes a dashboard for easy data analysis. The tool can be shared with multiple users to input data for the HIV funding sources they receive, and then combined into one, comprehensive file of all HIV resources in the jurisdiction. Detailed instructions and best practices for use are included in the Excel tool, as well as in a companion PDF. 

The tool was reviewed and demonstrated during the IHAP TAC webinar Making the Case with Data: Epidemiologic Snapshots, Resource Inventories, and Needs Assessments. View the webinar recording (minutes 13:30 - 35:00).

Contact IHAP with questions or if you need assistance with the tool.

Integrated HIV/AIDS Planning Technical Assistance Center

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