HIV-Related Media Campaigns

For inspiration, adaptation, or replication, explore some recent outreach efforts from government and community agencies. 


  •'s inventory of Federal HIV-related campaigns
  • I am a work of ART - National community-informed campaign focused on viral load suppression. Campaign materials, videos, and social media images available. Spanish-language sister campaign is called "Celebro mi salud." 
  • Stop HIV Together - CDC database of all campaign materials. Covers prevention, testing, treatment, and stigma
  • Greater Than AIDS - Kaiser Family Foundation campaign provides free outreach resources related to testing, PrEP and HIV treatment.
  • AHEAD: America's HIV Epidemic Analysis Dashboard - Supports the Effort to End the HIV Epidemic by 2030 by tracking data on 6 HIV indicators that will have the greatest impact on ending the epidemic in local communities and across the U.S.


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