Housing & Employment Spotlight: Helping Clients during COVID-19

Client needs have been complicated and compounded by the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Agencies have had to reassess how they operate in a different health care environment that they had not previously encountered, requiring additional creativity. This necessitates creative ways of reaching—and meeting— client demands to keep them healthy, engaged, and supported.

This document outlines strategies developed by Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program recipients in response to some common challenges.

Silvia Moscariello, Program Director, distributes bags filled with basic essentials like PPE, socks and food to clients at Liberty Community Services during the pandemic.

  • Food Insecurity
  • Healthcare Delivery
  • Housing
  • Employment
  • Ensuring Access to Safety Equipment & Addressing Associated Trauma
  • Medication Access
  • Communication
  • Delivery of Incentives

This resource was developed by

The HIV, Housing & Employment Project
The HIV, Housing & Employment Project logo

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