Funding Opportunity: Linking Eligibility Across the RWHAP Program Parts, Dissemination Assistance Provider (HRSA-24-057)

This HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau pre-application webinar is for the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), Linking Eligibility Across the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Parts - Dissemination Assistance Provider program (HRSA-24-057). The project will fund one cooperative agreement for up to two years to:

  • Examine current eligibility determination and confirmation processes in place across all RWHAP Parts and identify administrative, technical, and legal barriers facing providers and clients;
  • Identify best practices and facilitators that improve navigation for clients who seek services from multiple RWHAP recipients and subrecipients;
  • Develop and disseminate materials about eligibility determination and confirmation processes including cost analysis tools, examples, and lessons learned; and
  • Facilitate peer-to-peer information exchange and dissemination of information.

The program objectives are: promote efficiencies in the intake, navigation, and determination of RWHAP client eligibility and eligibility confirmations across all RWHAP Parts; improve the customer experience with applying for and continuing RWHAP services; reduce administrative burden for RWHAP clients and providers; and increase the availability of tools that RWHAP recipients and subrecipients can adopt and adapt to help streamline eligibility processes across all RWHAP Parts.

Applications are due March 4

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