Integrating Peers into Multidisciplinary Teams

Tools (supervisor's guide and peer advocate toolkit) on including peer advocates as part of multidisciplinary teams to engage people with HIV in care. 

Part I: Supervisor's Guide

Download Supervisor's Guide

Sample policies and materials to help supervisors oversee a peer advocate program. Sections include: policies and procedures, job description and orientation, performance appraisal, confidentiality, integrating peers into teams.

Part II: Peer Advocate Toolkit

Download Toolkit

Tools for a peer advocate to use in working with a multidisciplinary team to engage people with HIV in care. Sections include: enhanced patient outreach model, referral & navigation, patient education, adherence support, advocate for clients, confidentiality & boundaries.

This resource was developed by

Cicatelli Associates, Inc. HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB)

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