An Introduction to HIV Prevention and Care Planning

This self-paced course from the Integrated HIV/AIDS Planning TA Center serves as an introduction to the fundamentals of integrated planning, and is designed for anyone who is new to integrated HIV prevention and care planning or anyone who would like a refresher on the basics.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the rationale for and benefits of integrated planning
  • Describe how integrated planning aligns with other national and local HIV initiatives
  • Understand integration of HIV prevention and care planning and other aspects of integration
  • Understand the five stages of the integrated planning process, including related best practices, and how they can support the development of an Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan
  • Identify other resources to support integrated planning efforts

Lights, Camera, Action: Introducing an Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Planning Online Course

This introductory webinar introduced the new course. During this webinar, the IHAP TAC provided a brief overview of integrated planning, previewed the course, discussed who would benefit from completing the course, and closed with a Q&A session for participants. 


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IHAP TA Center
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