Partnerships for Care (P4C): Health Departments and Health Centers Collaborating to Improve HIV Health Outcomes

Toolkit to help Health Centers expand the provision of HIV testing, prevention, care and treatment; build sustainable partnerships between health centers and their state health departments; and improve health outcomes among people living with HIV, especially racial/ethnic minorities.

The toolkit is informed by the lessons learned, promising practices, and successful approaches used by P4C grantees to integrate HIV services into their primary care program.

What the Toolkit Provides

  • A clear roadmap for integrating HIV services into primary care provision
  • Best or promising practices for HIV management in primary care
  • Tools for building health centers’ capacity in workforce development, infrastructure development, QI, quality assurance (QA), and other organizational issues
  • A comprehensive set of educational and instructional materials

See also HIV Resources for Health Centers (HRSA)

HRSA Health Center Program
CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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