Patient-Centered Medical Home Transition Tools

Series of tools to assist agencies as they undertake transformation to status as a Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH).

Please note: These select resources were developed by the former HRSA-supported HIV/AIDS Medical Homes Resource Center.Readers. Many of the tools from that project have been archived. Readers are urged to consult the various national websites that provide a full array of resources on becoming a PCMH. The tools in this collection include:

  • SWOT Analysis - to help your agency identify resources both internal and external to the organization, as well as potential barriers within the institution or community that may need to be addressed during the planning and implementation process.
  • Organization Assessment - to gauge leadership strengths in your organization. It is taken from a larger Assessment of Organizational Capacity developed by Partnership HealthPlan of California for a group of Community Health Centers who are undergoing transformation to Patient Centered Medical Homes.
  • Factors to Consider in PCMH Practice Transformation - a series of questions to help your team begin to assess how you want to change your practice as you move toward becoming a PCMH with patient-focused teams.
  • Key Steps in Practice Transformation-Leadership Roadmap to PCMH Leadership - to focus on leadership, which is one of several key steps in transforming your practice to become a PCMH.
  • Share the Care-Who Does it Now? - exercise to assist Ryan White practices to further enhance team-based care by understanding staff roles and how staff member’s education and skill sets can be utilized in new ways.  

Part of Collection

This resource was developed by

HIV/AIDS Medical Homes Resource Center (HIV-MHRC)

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