Peer Navigation Services Offered at Initial Intake


New patients offered peer navigation services at initial intake. 

Change Ideas

  • Offered peer navigator introduction to new patients normalizing peer navigation
  • Designated peer navigators to make reminder calls, rather than automated calls being given.


This intervention was implemented in response to data that the Wellness Center at Roper St. Francis Healthcare had to suggest that patients did better once they were paired with a peer navigator. This intervention allowed peer navigators to take a more central role in the new patient process. All new patients, many of whom were MSM of color, were introduced to the peer navigator, thereby normalizing peer navigation. Although some did not want to continue peer services, they still knew the peer was available. Reminder calls for appointments by peer navigators were started prior to the campaign, but still contributed to improved retention among priority populations. Viral suppression for the MSM of color subpopulation increased from 82.6% (161/195) to 91.6% (186/203) during this intervention.

Part of Collection

This resource was developed by

Roper St. Francis Healthcare Wellness Center Center for Quality Improvement and Innovation (CQII)

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