Preparing for 2024 ADR Reporting: Updates and Best Practices

This webinar will address the 2024 ADR best practices and the strategies for implementing them.

Webinar Sections

  • Introduction and Agenda (0:00)
    Purpose of the webinar, presenter introductions, outline of the webinar.
  • Upcoming ADR Changes (8:14)
    An overview of upcoming ADR changes.
  • Reporting Clarifications and Reminders (10:46)
    A focus on the data elements from the Client Report that ADAPs had some challenges with as well as some clarifications and tips.
  • Best Practices in Submitting High Quality Data (35:57)
     Some Best Practices when submitting high quality data.
  • Upcoming Webinars & TA Resources (48:43)
    A look at upcoming webinars and additional TA resources avaliable.
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