About Project CAATCH
Project CAATCH (Consumer Access and Adherence to Care for HIV) uses evidence informed practices, including motivational interviewing, to address identified gaps in the continuum of care for client retention and viral load suppression measures. This initiative delivers a curriculum of educational sessions to promote client engagement and retention, in order to increase overall rates of viral suppression for all MassCARE enrolled clients over 18 years of age at three MassCARE clinic locations in Massachusetts.
About the Manual
The CAATCH Peer Intervention Manual is a curriculum that includes six core CAATCH educational sessions on the following topics:
- The HIV viral life cycle and medications at work.
- Communicating with health care providers.
- Understanding basic lab tests (CD4, viral load and others).
- Managing stigma and disclosure.
- HIV and substance use disorders.
- HIV and wellbeing.
Plan de estudios de sesiones educativas para promover la participación y retención del cliente en la atención del VIH a fin de aumentar las tasas generales de supresión viral, con base en prácticas informadas por la evidencia, incluidas entrevistas motivacionales, para abordar las brechas identificadas en la atención.