Reviewing Your Data at Upload: Tools in the ADR Web System and the Check Your XML Feature

This webinar will provide an explanation for how to use the Check Your XML feature to check ADR data quality prior to submission. DISQ will also cover other features of the ADR Web System available to review data prior to submission, including the upload completeness report (UCR) and the validation reports.

Webinar Sections

Introduction (0:00)

Purpose of the webinar, presenter introductions, agenda and learning objectives.

2023 ADR submission Timeline & Check Your XML Feature Intro (3:40)

ADR Instruction Manual, review of the submission timeline, and brief intro to Check Your XML.

Accessing & Using Check Your XML (7:56)

Step-by-step navigation of the HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) to access the ADR Web System and Check Your XML, plus possible schema error messages.

Upload Completeness Report and Validation Report (18:39)

Overview of each tool and how to use them to assess whether your data is accurate and complete, plus possible validation messages and changes for 2023.

TA Resources (32:00)

Reviewing the technical assistance (TA) resources available to ADAPs.

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