Reviewing Your Data at Upload: Tools within the RSR Web System

DISQ will present a demonstration of various reports available in the RSR Web System at upload to check and improve data quality for the 2023 RSR submission.

Webinar Sections

Introduction, Agenda (0:00)

Purpose of the webinar, presenter introductions, agenda and learning objectives

RSR Timeline and Process (3:44)

A review of the RSR workflow between recipients and providers, and why RSR data is important.

Navigating the RSR Web System (8:10)

A note on how recipients and providers can access the RSR and available report tools. 

Recipient Report (10:57)

Guidance on how to print and review the Recipient Report.

Provider Report (13:17)

Guidance on how to print and review the Provider Report.

Validation Report (16:01)

Navigating to, and reviewing, validation messages and comments.

Upload Completeness Report (22:34)

Reviewing the Upload Completeness Report (UCR).

Data Completeness Report (24:31)

An option for recipients to look at all of their provider’s data in one place.

RSR Webinars and TA Resources (27:06)

Review of 2023 RSR Webinar Series and TA providers to assist with your 2023 RSR Submission.

This resource was developed by

Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team, Ryan White Data Support

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