RSR: The Basics

Overview of the RSR terminology and the three components of the RSR: the RSR Recipient Report, the Provider Report, and the Client Level Data (CLD) Report. Also reviewed are the 2022 RSR submission deadlines and how to access available resources on TargetHIV.

Webinar Sections

  • Introduction, Agenda (0:00)
    Purpose of the webinar, presenter introductions, outline of webinar.
  • Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Overview (5:53)
    A high-level overview of the RWHAP Program’s mission and parts, including how RSR Data is used.
  • RSR Terminology (12:17)
    A review of key RWHAP terminology and how it relates to the RSR,  along with the types of RWHAP services and a mini quiz.
  • RSR Overview and Sections (21:18)
    An overview of the RWHAP Services Report and its components.
  • RSR Submission Timeline (35:07)
    A review of the upcoming RSR Submission Timeline and important dates to remember.
  • Upcoming RSR Webinars and TA Resources (37:22)
    Key Resources for submitting the 2022 RSR.

This resource was developed by

Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team, Ryan White Data Support

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