RSR Check Your XML Feature

In this webinar, the DISQ Team will showcase the Check Your XML Feature, a tool you can use to check client-level data quality prior to submission.

Webinar Sections

  • Introduction (0:00)
    Purpose of the webinar, presenter introductions, agenda and a reminder to access the RSR Instruction Manual

  • What is Check Your XML and Why Should I Use It? (3:17)
    The case for using the Check Your XML Feature, including schema compliance checks, the Validation Report, and Upload Completeness Report.

  • Features of Check Your XML (10:45)
    Overview of the features available to the field before the RSR System opens for submission.

  • How Do I Use It? (20:54)
     A live demo of navigating to and using each of the features of Check Your XML

  • Takeaways and Resources (36:36)
    Key takeaways about using Check Your XML and a review of the technical assistance resources available.

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