RSR Data Completeness Rates, 2011-2022

Chart 1: Completeness Rates for Demographic Data Elements Remain High

Providers are reporting complete responses for key demographic data elements. Completeness has improved over the years to nearly 100% for HIV risk factor, housing status, health care coverage, and poverty level, and has been consistent over time.

Completeness rates for demographic data elements


Chart 2: Completeness Rates for Clinical Data Elements Have Improved Significantly

This chart shows that although providers initially struggled with reporting viral load test results, CD4 count test results, and prescription of ART, completeness rates from 2011 to 2022 have greatly improved and remained high. Clinical data reporting remained exactly the same in 2022 compared to 2021.

Completeness Rates for Clinical Data

These charts show improvements in completeness of data reported by Ryan White grant recipients from 2011 to 2022, measured by known rates for client demographics and clinical information.

The goal of the HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau for Ryan White Services Report (RSR) data quality is for all providers to have at least 90% known values – that is valid data excluding missing or unknown values – for five critical client-level data elements: federal poverty level, health insurance status, housing status, prescribed ART, and viral load. These data elements are required to establish Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) eligibility and demonstrate critical HIV health outcomes.

This resource was developed by

Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team

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