RSR-Ready Data Systems Vendor Information

Many software systems, including EHRs, lab systems and case management systems, generate the RSR. These systems also have internal validations and reports that allow the provider to check the quality and completeness of the RSR data before upload.

The table below presents the following information about the various RSR-Ready Systems:

  • Build Number
  • Number of users in the most recent submission
  • Vendor websites and contact information
  • Release timing of versions that create a compliant file for the upcoming submission

For more information about a particular data system, please contact the appropriate data system vendor. For general questions about selecting an RSR-Ready System, email the DISQ team. Or you may refer to the “Software Systems” topic area in the “Browse for More” section of this page. 

DISQ offers routine webinars for some EHR user groups then documents and shares the questions and solutions discussed on the webinars. You can sign up for them and also find RSR-related resources by EHRs and DISQ on the EHR User Resources page.


The Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) and their associated Bureaus in no manner endorse or sponsor the aforementioned listed vendors or their products or offerings. This listing is based on self-report and successful upload of a test report.

RSR-Ready System
Version # 
Providers in 2022ContactInfo on the RSR2023 Version Release Timeline
48Ron Massaroni
Data Quality Reports
November 2023

(Version (R45))


127CA ARIES Help DeskContact the CA ARIES Help DeskJanuary 2024
Azara--Todd SchlesingerContact System RepresentativeOctober 2023
826CAREWare Help Desk
Data Quality Reports
November 30, 2023
Casewatch Millennium
(Version 9.4)
24Frank Ferry
Check with system representativeAvailable Now
(3.5. Build 903)
31Dennis Leary
Check with system representative TBD
COHEART6Disease Control and Public Response Portal 2023
(Build 6.2)
6Doug Dauphin
Check with system representativeAvailable now


TRAX 2023 / CAREWare 2023

 Kelli Smith
508-836-2700 x5902 
eCOMPAS 99Jesse Thomas
973-773-0244 ext 1001

Data Quality Reports and QI

Data Quality Reports and QI Dashboards



January 2024
Epic3Contact your local representativeAnyone with an Epic Ambulatory license can access information about the RSR module through this linkAvailable Now
(14.2 (114))
57eShare Technical Assistance
Check with system representativeJanuary 2024 (likely)
NextGen (2.9.X)7Success Community Technical ContactDownload RSR FunctionalityAvailable Now
Provide Enterprise
(5.10.100012.029 and up)
126Technical Support 
414-454-0161 x191
Check with system representativeDecember 2023
31Correen MacchiCheck with system representativeAvailable now
Take Charge Texas43Help DeskProviders and Agencies portalTBD

a The RSR functionality is available to users for an additional fee. The number of providers that used eClinicalWorks is unavailable because the system creates the TRAX .CSV files instead of an XML file.

This resource was developed by

Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team

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