RSR Submission Timeline

Key dates for the RSR Recipient and Provider reports for the 2023 reporting period (January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023). 

Date Recipients Subrecipients/Providers
Year-Round Grantee Contract Management System (GCMS) is open year-round for recipients to enter their provider contract and service information.  
Friday, November 17, 2023 Check Your XML and TRAX Open Check Your XML and TRAX Open
Monday, December 4, 2023 RSR Recipient Report Start Date
System opens for recipients to verify their RSR Recipient Report.
Monday, February 5, 2024 RSR Recipient Report Due Date
All RSR Recipient Reports must be in "Certified" status. After this deadline, recipients must contact Data Support to certify or to make changes to their RSR Recipient Reports.
RSR Provider Report Start Date
System opens for providers to begin work on their RSR Provider Reports and upload their client-level data files.
Monday, March 4, 2024   RSR Provider Report Target Date
Target deadline for the submission of all RSR Provider Reports and client‐level data. RSR Provider Reports should be in “Review” or “Submitted” status.
Monday, March 18, 2024
Return for Changes Deadline
Last day for recipients to return RSR Provider Reports and client-level data files to providers for changes or corrections.
Monday, March 25, 2024, 6:00 pm ET All RSRs must be in "Submitted" status by 6pm ET. All RSRs must be in "Submitted" status by 6pm ET.


  • Recipient: An organization that receives Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) funds directly from HRSA. Recipients may provide direct services and/or may contract with subrecipients to provide services. Replaces the term "Grantee;" synonymous with the term "recipient of record."
  • Subrecipient: The legal entity that receives RWHAP funds from a Recipient. Subrecipients are accountable to the Recipient for the use of the funds provided. They may provide direct client services or administrative services. "Subrecipient" replaces the term "Provider (or service provider)."
  • Provider or Service Provider: The agency that provides direct services to clients (and their families) or the recipient. A provider may receive funds as a recipient (such as under RWHAP Parts C and D) or through a contractual relationship with a recipient funded directly by RWHAP. Former term for "Subrecipient" (see above). 


  • HRSA expects all service providers to complete their own RSR Provider Reports. Recipients should not complete their subrecipients’ reports unless the subrecipient is exempted from completing the RSR Provider Report. A full explanation of exempting providers can be found in the RSR Instruction Manual.
  • HAB recommends that subrecipients submit their RSR Provider Reports and client-level data on or before Monday, March 4, 2024 to ensure recipients have adequate time to review and approve the data.

  • The GCMS is accessible year round through the RSR or PTR Web Systems. Contact Ryan White Data Support at 1-888-640-9356 or via email for assistance accessing the GCMS.

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