RSR Upload Completeness Report Training Module

The RSR Upload Completeness Report (UCR) is a report generated by the RSR Web System that reads your uploaded XML file(s) and generates a report that shows you the full breakdown of your client-level data (CLD).

RSR data are used to inform Congress, HIV community, and the public at large, so it is incredibly important to report accurate, high-quality data. In addition, high-quality data can help you improve quality of care, but low-quality data cannot. If your data do not reflect your program activities, you can’t use your data to improve your performance.

The UCR is one of the most helpful tools in the Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) to help you ensure complete, high quality data for your RSR.

In this module you will learn:

  • How to upload data to the RSR Provider Report and Check Your XML Feature in the EHBs
  • How to access the UCR
  • How to read and interpret the UCR tables
  • How to identify issues in your data using the UCR
  • What to do if you identify a data issue
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