This webcast provides an introduction to TRAX and an opportunity to review the process of how to use this modified tool for creating the RSR client-level XML data file.

Webinar Sections

  • Introduction (0:00)
    Purpose of the webinar, presenter introductions, agenda and learning objectives.

  • Overview of TRAX (4:32)
    What is TRAX? Is it the right tool for your agency in creating the XML file for the RSR?

  • Steps for using TRAX (6:00)
    A step-by-step guide to using TRAX and the CHEX tool to check data quality.

  • Demo of CHEX and TRAX (18:43)
    A demo of using TRAX to create the appropriate XML file

  • Data Security & TA Resources (29:11)
    Data security reminder and technical resources available. .

This resource was developed by

Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team, Ryan White Data Support

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