Ryan White Services Report (RSR) Data Dictionary and XML Schema Implementation Guide for the Client-Level Data Report

Release 3.9

The following updates were addressed in this version:

  • Added NewClient
  • Added ReceivedServicePreviousYear
  • Updated ClientReportServiceVisits
    • Added value 46

Release 3.7

The following updates were addressed in this version:

  • Updated the SchemaVersion data element
  • Revised EnrollmentStatusID data element
    • Rename data element from EnrollmentStatusID to VitalStatusID
    • Deleted values 1 – 5
    • Added values 7 and 8
  • Removed PovertyLevelID data element
  • Added PovertyLevelPercent data element
  • Added HousingSatusCollectedDate data element
  • Updated descriptions for value 1, 2, and 6 of ClientReportHivRiskFactor data element
  • Updated element name from ClientReportMedicalInsurance to ClientReportHealthCoverage
  • Updated ClientReportServiceVisits data element to include support services
  • Updated ClientReportServiceVisits data element. All support service IDs are added to the allowable values.
  • Updated ClientReportServiceDelivered data element. All support service IDs are removed from the allowable values.
  • Removed RiskScreeningProvidedID data element
  • Removed PrescribedPcpProphylaxisID data element
  • Updated PrescribedArtID data element.
    • Added value 8
    • Removed values 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7
  • Removed ScreenedTBSinceHivDiagnosisID data element
  • Removed ScreenedHepatitisBSinceHivDiagnosisID data element
  • Removed VaccinatedHepatitisBID data element
  • Removed ScreenedHepatitisCSinceHivDiagnosisID data element
  • Removed ScreenedSubstanceAbuseID data element
  • Removed ScreenedMentalHealthID data element
  • Removed ReceivedCervicalPapSmearID data element

Release 3.6

The following updates were addressed in this version:

  • Changed "grantee" to "recipient"
  • Fixed the allowed range of values in the RaceID field

Release 3.5

The following updates were addressed in this version:

  • For Client Report Service Delivered:
    • Updated the ReferenceID 75, Other Professional Services
    • Updated the ServiceID 42, Other Professional Services

Release 3.4

The following updates were addressed in this version:

  • Updated the Schema Version data element
  • Deprecated the TransgenderID data element
  • Revised GenderID data element:
    • Deleted value 3, Transgender, for the GenderID data element
    • Added value 6, Transgender Male to Female
    • Added value 7, Transgender Female to Male
    • Added value 8, Transgender Other
  • For Client Report Service Delivered:
    • Updated service category name from “AIDS Pharmaceutical Assistance” to “AIDS Pharmaceutical Assistance (LPAP, CPAP)”
    • Deleted ServiceID 22, Developmental assessment/early intervention services
    • Deleted ServiceID 27, Legal services
    • Deleted ServiceID 31, Permanency planning
    • Deleted ServiceID 37, Treatment adherence counseling

Release 3.3

The following updates were addressed in this version:

  • Deleted information for data elements and allowed response categories that were removed for Version 3.0. Also removed other notes and document markups, such as the “New” and “Revised” labels, that were added to previous versions of this document to highlight content changes in the body of the document
  • Updated service category names for ClientReportServiceVisits to match HAB Policy Change Notice #16-02
  • For Client Report Service Delivered:
    • Updated service category names to match HAB Policy Change Notice #16-02
    • Deleted ServiceID 22, Pediatric development assessment/early intervention services
    • Deleted ServiceID 27, Legal Services
    • Deleted ServiceID 31, Permanency Planning
    • Deleted ServiceID 37, Treatment adherence counseling
    • Added ServiceID 42, Other Professional Services

Detailed structural and content information regarding the system variables and the XML Schema. The person who develops the RSR report and the XML file will need this document as a reference. Release 3.9 is an update of version 3.7.

Please note that this is the most current version for the 2023 RSR Submission. 

This resource was developed by

Accenture Federal Services, REI HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB)

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