U Be U Campaign: Motivational Support to Achieve Viral Suppression


U be U clinic-based campaign to motivate and support patients in achieving viral suppression.

Change Ideas

  • Provided keychains to those who achieved viral suppression.
  • Displayed bulletin board in HIV treatment waiting room with cards acknowledging those patients who have achieved viral suppression.
  • Staff communicated verbally U be U campaign message by encouraging patients along their journey to viral suppression.
  • Regularly monitored viral suppression data to keep track of which patients were achieving suppression.


The U be U Campaign was initiated in January 2019 to recognize and celebrate patients in achieving viral suppression. Before the campaign took off, a Cause and Effect Diagram was used to identify the possible causes of patients not achieving viral suppression. Among the barriers found were stigma (lack of acceptance) which the campaign addressed. Clinic staff who implemented this campaign were the Director of Quality, Director of Nursing, Director of Behavioral Health, Medical Assistant (QI Champion for patient engagement), Director of Health Promotions, Case Management, and Data Analysis Team. Quarterly Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles were conducted throughout the campaign to monitor viral suppression continuously. Staff verbally communicated the U be U campaign message by encouraging patients along their journey to viral suppression during clinic visits. Keychains were provided to those who achieved viral suppression. The ‘star system’ was also part of this campaign. This involved displaying cards on a bulletin board in the waiting room that acknowledged patients who had achieved viral suppression. Patients’ feedback was collected qualitatively to assess the effectiveness of this campaign. From this, patients outlined that the keychains reminded them of their hard work and their journey towards achieving viral suppression. It motivated them to stay suppressed and help others become suppressed as well. Patients found this campaign to be extremely motivational and stated that seeing the positive messages on how others reached viral suppression offered up some support and made them want to have their stars on the board. Viral suppression was regularly monitored to keep track of which patients were achieving suppression. They monitored for all patients who had achieved suppression, and the ones that were " almost there." The staff also motivated the patients who were "almost there.” Within two months of the campaign, the number of virally suppressed patients increased from 61.96% to 68.04%. Between July 2018 and July 2019, viral suppression increased from 57.14% to 73.13% for MSM or color. This campaign is still being implemented by Avenue 360.

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This resource was developed by

Avenue 360 Health and Wellness Center for Quality Improvement and Innovation (CQII)

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