Using CAREWare for RSR Reporting

In this webinar, presenters from jProg (the CAREWare software developers) will share tips and best practices for using CAREWare for RSR reporting.

  • Introduction, Agenda (0:00)
    Purpose of the webinar, presenter introductions, agenda and learning Objectives

  • What makes a client appear on the RSR from CAREWare data entry? (4:49)
    An overview of what criteria are necessary to make someone appear on the RSR.

  • Data Entry (6:05)
    A demo of data entry in CAREWare, including where data lives that is used to collect and calculate values for the RSR. 
  • Ways CAREWare can help you with RSR (24:09)
    Descriptions and demonstrations of multiple ways CAREWare can help you collect and check data for the RSR.
  • Creating the RSR file from CAREWare (39:45)
    Review of how to create the RSR file from within CAREWare itself.
  • TA Resources (42:53)
    Additional CAREWare resources from jProg, as well as technical assistance resources for the RSR.

This resource was developed by

Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team

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