Ending the HIV Epidemic in Puerto Rico: Truths, Challenges, and Hopes

Presentation Event
2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Centro Ararat, Inc.
Iván Meléndez-Rivera, Carlos Carrero,

This presentation assesses social determinants that affect the HIV continuum of care. Establish patterns at the economic, demographic, and sociocultural factors that may fragment or, in a worst-case scenario, interrupt access to HIV testing, biomedical prevention, follow-up to a positive diagnosis, and adherence to treatment.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the peripheral aspects that affect HIV continuum of care that include a robust component of sociocultural, economic and political factors.
  2. Analyze the effect of social determinants in the perception of apparent control of the HIV acquisition and further strategies in treatment and adherence.
  3. Enforce the importance of education and prevention efforts in the long-term goal of ending the HIV epidemic.

Event Details

2020 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Innovative System-level Models for HIV Service Delivery

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