Guide for Developing HIV and Opioid Use Disorder Service Inventories and Using Geographic Mapping

Considerations for how state agency staff can develop and maintain an accessible, HIV and opioid use disorder (OUD) service inventory. This guide can be used by state agency HIV and OUD staff to:

  • Understand the purpose and use of an HIV and OUD service inventory.
  • Create and maintain a combined inventory of HIV and OUD services and organizations by geographic area/county/region throughout the state.
  • Develop a plan to create a geographic map for state agency HIV and OUD staff, clinical staff, case managers, behavioral health providers, and other agencies and staff involved in the HIV and OUD systems.

Developed by the Strengthening Systems of Care for People with HIV & Opioid Use Disorder project.

This resource was developed by

Strengthening Systems of Care for People with HIV and Opioid Use Disorder

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