The synchronization of STI and HIV surveillance data will be used to improve the capacity of health departments and RWHAP clinics to prioritize resources for linking and re-engaging people with HIV into care. Improved data linkage and synchronization will lead to more data accuracy and will ultimately inform timely review of client-level care status. Data accuracy and synchronization have been documented to lead to better care outcome activities, such as increased linkage to care, increased engagement and re-engagement in care, and ultimately, increased viral suppression among people with HIV. Enhanced synchronization of disparate data systems assists in confirming residence and care patterns among persons diagnosed with HIV, including persons lost to follow-up and/or in care in other jurisdictions. These efforts are critical for re-engagement and other client level intervention activities. Moreover, enhanced data synchronization increases the ability of public health departments and HIV providers to better assess risk behaviors, repeat STI infections, and other critical markers of relevance in addressing co-infections of STIs in people with HIV.
The goal of this project is to enhance the integration of HIV and STI surveillance data with RWHAP data in order to improve linkage, re-engagement in care, and health outcomes for people with HIV.
Approach to Technical Assistance
GU CGHPI has taken a tiered and tailored TA approach to implementation design, due to the drastically different situations in each state. Each jurisdiction has a tailored data integration implementation plan as well as Technical Working Groups (TWGs) that meet regularly organized around the three focal areas. Additionally, in order to promote knowledge exchange and diffusion of knowledge and best practices, GU created Communities of Practices (CoP) to engage participating and non-participating jurisdictions in critical knowledge exchange, best practices benchmarking and collaborative learning.
Specific activities include:
- Assessment of jurisdiction needs from data systems, data integration, and data end-user perspectives
- Development of tailored data integration implementation plans based on unique jurisdiction needs
- Translation of data integration and data-to-care action plans into programmatic improvement and policy decisions
Focus Areas
GU CGHPI, working collaboratively with the jurisdictions, identified three key focal areas for TA provision: Business Process Development, Data Integration, and Data to Care. Each guided support within each participant jurisdiction. The TWGs were also organized around these areas. Enhancing communication and collaboration within the health departments was also a key component of this project.