Part F - SPNS Models of Care

The Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) of HRSA's Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) carry out research and evaluation in order to identify models of HIV/AIDS care that can then be adopted by other HIV/AIDS programs. SPNS focuses on various issues under multi-year initiatives that typically include a limited number of project sites and a national evaluation center to coordinate investigations. 

Best Practices

  • SPNS Black MSM Initiative
    Resources to facilitate the replication or adaption of successful interventions for engaging Black MSM in HIV care.
  • Center for Innovation and Engagement
    Collection of implementation guides on evidence-informed best practices in HIV care delivery.
  • IHIP
    Project to enhance the provision of HIV care for Latina transgender women in Los Angeles County.
  • IHIP
    Intervention to create a safe place for delivering stigma-free, trauma-informed and integrated HIV, addiction medicine and behavioral health services under a single roof.
  • IHIP
    HHOME is a mobile care and systems intervention that helps connect vulnerable and homeless individuals in San Francisco to rapid HIV treatment.
  • IHIP
    KC Life 360 is an employment-focused intervention that utilizes the intersection between employment services, HIV care and treatment, and housing to improve health outcomes of people with HIV.
  • IHIP
    The Maricopa County Jail Project was implemented by five jails and uses a nurse practitioner to manage service access and case management across the jail system.
  • IHIP
    Ninetyday theory-based, transgender-specific, automated text-messaging intervention designed to improve engagement, retention, and health outcomes along the HIV care continuum.
  • IHIP
    Multi-level messaging intervention focused on linking Latinos with HIV to high quality HIV primary care in Dallas County, Texas. Individual-, group- and community-level strategies.
  • The HIV, Housing & Employment Project
    COVID-19 adjustments developed by Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program recipients.
  • University of Texas Health, San Antonio, SPNS HCV Cure among People of Color with HIV
    Slide summary and apps/training tools from the SPNS initiative, Curing Hepatitis C among People of Color Living with HIV.  including: evaluation questions; dissemination activities; and site reports.
  • SPNS Latino Access Initiative, UCSF Center for AIDS Prevention Studies

    Monographs describing interventions for the engagement and retention of Latinos in HIV care.

  • SPNS Social Media Initiative

    Social media tools developed by demonstration sites (e.g., text messaging, apps).

  • Boston University School of Social Work Center for Innovation in Social Work and Health, The HIV, Housing & Employment Project

    Best practices (and extensive resource links) for integrating into medical care teams the non-medical staff called Navigators.

  • The HIV, Housing & Employment Project

    Review of strategies for housing vulnerable populations in tight housing markets.

  • HRSA/SPNS Workforce Initiative

    Insights on operating Care Teams: multidisciplinary collection of providers who work together to meet multiple patient needs to improve care delivery and outcomes. Best practices cover: preparation, staffing, buy-in, formalization, and adaptability.

  • SPNS Transgender Women of Color Initiative

    Innovative models for linking and retaining transgender women of color in HIV care.

  • SPNS Systems Linkages Project

    Insights from a multi-state demonstration and evaluation of innovative models for linkages to and retention in HIV care.

  • HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB)
    This is a periodic newsletter of events with the Ryan White Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) program. They are administered by HRSA's HIV/AIDS Bureau.
  • Boston University School of Social Work Center for Innovation in Social Work and Health

    SPNS innovative and replicable HIV service delivery models using HIV+ peers.

  • IHIP

    Implementation guide for HIV providers on addressing the unique needs of women of color living with HIV.

  • HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB)

    Compilation of SPNS grantee experiences with peer models and how they can be used in various care settings.

  • HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB)

    Resources to assist Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and other HIV clinics to integrate buprenorphine programs within primary care settings.

  • Boston University School of Public Health

    Lessons learned on developing oral health services for people with HIV, based on experiences of a SPNS national research and evaluation demonstration project.

  • HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB)

    Examination of costs and outcomes associated with different types of outreach encounters to bring individuals living with HIV/AIDS into care, as conducted under a SPNS Outreach Initiative examining innovations in HIV/AIDS care.

  • HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB)

    Case studies examining the effectiveness of models of peer support for Caribbean immigrants living with HIV in the U.S.

  • HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB)

    Report reviews activities under a HRSA/CDC funded SPNS Initiative to support demonstration projects within correctional facilities and communities that develop models of comprehensive surveillance, prevention, and health care activities for HIV, STIs, TB, substance abuse, and hepatitis.

  • Best Practices Compilation
    +LOVE is an integrated case management intervention with behavioral health and crisis support to enhance and improve HIV care and outcomes for Black gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. An evaluation of +LOVE showed improvements in retention in care.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Nine sites implemented four evidence-based interventions, collectively known as Addressing STIs: Ask.Test.Treat.Repeat. The four intervention components are audio computer-assisted self-interview sexual history taking, patient self-collection of urogenital and extragenital site chlamydia/gonorrhea nucleic acid amplification test specimens, sexual and gender minority welcoming indicators, and provider training, with the overall goal to routinize STI screening, testing, and treatment in primary care. The interventions increased routine STI screening and testing of bacterial STIs based on reported behavioral risk.
  • The HIV, Housing & Employment Project
    Avenue 360 Health & Wellness offers a medical home for patients and AIDS Foundation Houston coordinates employment training and resources. These agencies believe that coordination is the key to breaking down barriers to health care in their community.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Howard Brown Health established a specialized drop-in clinic and support groups, and implemented organizational initiatives to provide culturally relevant and gender-affirming services for transgender and non-binary people, including transgender women of color. The goal of this intervention was to optimize engagement in HIV services and primary care. From 2012-2021, the number of transgender and non-binary people served in primary care at Howard Brown Health more than tripled. In addition, after 24 months, participants were more likely to have been prescribed ART and to be virally suppressed than at baseline.
  • The HIV, Housing & Employment Project
    SSRP is a client, provider, and system levels intervention to rapidly connect PLWH recently released from jail/prison to medical, housing, and employment services using a Peer Community Reengagement Specialist model.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    2BU is a case management intervention designed to engage and reengage Black men who have sex with men with HIV into HIV care services. Peer case managers work closely with clients to increase HIV health literacy, troubleshoot accessibility issues to HIV care, and connect clients directly to behavioral health and support services. Clients who participated in 2BU had increased retention in care and viral suppression 12 months after enrollment.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in HIV Primary Care is an integrated care approach designed to reduce opioid use and overdose while improving client engagement in HIV care. Greater Lawrence Family Health Center and Med Centro, Inc. implemented this integrated care approach as part of E2i, an initiative funded by the RWHAP Part F SPNS program from 2017–2021. Clients who participated in this intervention received integrated care—treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) and HIV in a single setting—to improve retention in care, viral suppression, and engagement in OUD treatment.
  • The HIV, Housing & Employment Project
    Short-term intensive case management services to link clients to housing, employment, and health care services provided by a team comprised of a Peer Care Navigator, Housing Navigator, and an Employment Navigator.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Clínica Bienestar (Spanish for “Wellness Clinic”) was developed to provide comprehensive, integrated HIV primary care services to Spanish-speaking and bilingual people of Puerto Rican ancestry, with HIV who inject drugs. Clínica Bienestar is a multilevel, multipronged intervention combining evidence-based practices in behavioral health and HIV medical care with a transnational approach to care. Clínica Bienestar positively impacted retention in HIV medical care and viral suppression.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is an evidence-based, cognitive behavioral treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder. Through individual or group sessions of CPT, clients learn to recognize and challenge unhelpful thoughts and beliefs related to trauma. Positive Impact Health Centers and Western North Carolina Community Health Services implemented CPT as part of E2i, an initiative funded by the RWHAP Part F SPNS program from 2017 to 2021. While not statistically significant, CPT participants had increased engagement in care and retention in care from enrollment to 12 months.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Collaborative Care Management (CoCM) integrates mental health and primary care, with a care team of a primary care provider, behavioral health care manager, and psychiatric consultant. Together they provide comprehensive and coordinated care to people with HIV who have co-occurring depression or other psychiatric disorders. Four sites implemented CoCM as part of E2i, an initiative funded by the RWHAP Part F SPNS program from 2017–2021. CoCM led to statistically significant increases in antiretroviral therapy (ART) prescription and viral suppression.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Ten organizations across the U.S. integrated Community Health Workers (CHWs) into their multidisciplinary care teams. Enrolled clients had statistically significant improvements in viral suppression, antiretroviral therapy prescription, and appointment attendance after six months in the program.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    The intervention integrated supportive employment services, housing services, and HIV care for clients receiving case management services and with unmet housing and employment needs. Evaluation of the program showed improvements in employment rates, participant confidence in being able to hold onto a job, household median income, participants’ living situations, and self-perception of homelessness status.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    The CrescentCare Start Initiative is a program of CrescentCare, a Federally Qualified Health Center, and the New Orleans Office of Health Policy. The initiative connects people with newly diagnosed HIV to antiretroviral therapy (ART) through intensive patient navigation and a streamlined intake process. Time between HIV diagnosis and linkage to HIV medical care has decreased from 30 days to only 1.3 days.   
  • Best Practices Compilation
    The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services was one of seven health departments funded by Leveraging a Data to Care Approach to Cure Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Within the RWHAP Part F SPNS initiative implemented from 2020–2022. With the support of the Yale University School of Medicine, which served as the Technical Assistance Provider, MDHHS matched RWHAP and HIV and HCV surveillance data, calculated HCV viral clearance cascades for coinfected populations, and worked with three RWHAP clinics to generate clinic-based lists of coinfected clients and conduct outreach and linkage to HCV treatment.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    E-VOLUTION is a two-way text messaging intervention, originally developed by Washington University School of Medicine and piloted at Project ARK. The intervention focuses on improving health outcomes for youth, particularly young Black men who have sex with men. E-VOLUTION was designed for people ages 18-29 who have HIV and are receiving clinical care but require support to remain adherent. E-VOLUTION was evaluated and found to improve viral suppression and retention in care rates.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    The Enhanced Patient Navigation for Women of Color with HIV intervention uses patient navigators, who are non-medical staff in clinical settings, to reduce barriers to health care and optimize care. The intervention was effective in improving linkage to and retention in care, as well as viral suppression.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Enlaces Por La Salud is an HIV linkage, navigation, and education program for Mexican men and transgender women. The intervention is grounded in a transnational framework for providing cultural context to support the delivery of one-on-one educational sessions to Latina(o/x) people with a new HIV diagnosis, as well as people with HIV who are not yet retained in care. After 12 months, the majority of people participating in Enlaces Por La Salud were retained in care and reached viral suppression.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    ERASE was developed to address the unique needs of Black MSM. Through an intensive case management intervention, peer case managers provide health education and wellness support, and connect clients to medical and behavioral healthcare. ERASE also offers a physical “safe space” for Black MSM to meet with a case manager, access medical services, or connect with peers. Enrollment in ERASE improved retention in HIV care for clients.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Healthy Divas focuses on empowering transgender women with HIV to achieve their personal health goals. Three sites implemented the intervention as part of the E2i initiative funded through the RWHAP Part F SPNS program from 2017 through 2021. Both engagement in HIV care and having an antiretroviral therapy prescription improved significantly for clients 12 months after enrollment in Healthy Divas.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    The HIV clinic at Washington University integrated comprehensive hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening and treatment into its care model. Chronic HCV is a “silent” infection as it damages the liver over time, often without symptoms. Early treatment of HCV is particularly important among people with HIV, as HIV accelerates HCV’s progression. Of the 1,711 clients served at the clinic each year, 174 had a detectable HCV viral load. These clients received integrated clinical and support services to reduce barriers to ongoing HCV care engagement.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    HHOME offers mobile HIV primary care, behavioral health care, and connection to housing services to people with HIV experiencing homelessness. A centralized HHOME team acts as a hub to meet clients where they are, refer them to housing and support services, and provide ongoing case management and HIV primary care services. Clients participating in HHOME experienced increased retention in care, viral suppression, and connection to stable housing.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Three participating clinics—MetroHealth, the University of Kentucky Bluegrass Care Clinic, and Centro Ararat—participated in a RWHAP Part F SPNS initiative from 2016 through 2019 to implement integrated buprenorphine treatment and HIV care. Research has shown that care integration improves HIV outcomes, engagement in substance use disorder treatment, and quality of life for people with HIV. Clients participating in this intervention received integrated opioid use disorder (OUD) and HIV care to improve retention in care, viral suppression, and engagement in OUD treatment.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    The University of California San Francisco, San Francisco General Hospital HIV Clinic developed a care model to enhance access to hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment among people with HIV by co-locating care and creating a multidisciplinary team. Developed as part of the RWHAP Part F SPNS Hepatitis C Treatment Expansion Initiative, this model of care led to a considerable decrease in the number of people with HIV who were coinfected with HCV among the patients served by San Francisco General Hospital during the 2010 and 2011 demonstration years.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Expanded housing and employment opportunities for people with HIV contributed to positive housing, earned income, and viral suppression outcomes for clients.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    The Louisiana Public Health Information Exchange is a bidirectional exchange that connects hospital system electronic health records with state surveillance data. Providers use the exchange to identify and relink people with HIV who are out of care to clinical and supportive services. Since LaPHIE was implemented in 2009, thousands of people with HIV who were out of care have been identified, with a significant number being successfully linked to care.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    The RWHAP Part F SPNS program funded the Building a Medical Home for Multiply Diagnosed HIV-Positive Homeless Populations initiative from 2012–2017, to provide coordinated housing supports and HIV, behavioral and mental health care to people experiencing homelessness. Nine funded demonstration sites created partnerships with housing providers, integrated behavioral health and HIV care, and provided intensive patient navigator services. A multi-demonstration site evaluation found that, compared to baseline, participants were more likely to be virally suppressed after 12 months in the intervention.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Fenway Health, Fenway AIDS Action Committee, and MassHire Downtown Boston provided housing and employment supports to clients who were unstably housed and were un- or under-employed, in order to improve health outcomes as part of the RWHAP Part F SPNS initiative Improving HIV Health Outcomes through the Coordination of Supportive Employment and Housing Services. Almost 70 percent of clients who participated in this intervention and received medical care at Fenway Health were virally suppressed, despite facing considerable barriers to care.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    OPT-In For Life is a social media-based intervention that promotes advancement along the HIV care continuum for young adults (ages 18 to 34) with HIV. During the 18-month intervention, OPT-In For Life used multiple social media platforms and a mobile application to provide HIV-related and positive lifestyle resources. Young adults enrolled in OPT-in For Life demonstrated improved retention in HIV care and higher rates of viral suppression after participation.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    One Stop Career Center of Puerto Rico (OSCC-PR) implemented Pay it Forward to increase workforce capacity to connect Puerto Ricans with HIV to community-based HIV care and social supports following release from jail. Pay it Forward included training of OSCC-PR staff in the Transitional Care Coordination model. Eighty percent of clients who were supported by Pay it Forward in Puerto Rico were still in HIV care 12 months after release.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    From 2016 through 2019, three clinics—AIDS Care Group, Howard Brown Health, and Meharry Medical College—participated in a RWHAP Part F SPNS DEII initiative to implement peer linkage and re-engagement interventions for women of color with HIV. Integrating peers into HIV primary care teams has been effective in better engaging women of color in care.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    The Positive Peers app motivates youth and young adults with HIV to stay engaged in HIV care through self-management tools and virtual support. Although specific outcomes vary by age group, individuals who used the app were more likely to attend their medical appointments, receive labs, and reach viral suppression.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    The PC4H initiative employs a mobile app and a digital literacy workshop to improve engagement, retention in care, and medication adherence for young people with HIV. These strategies aim to reach young people who are disproportionately affected by HIV, including young men who have sex with men, young transgender women, and youth of color, with a focus on serving people who know their status but are inconsistently engaged in care. Developed by Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Philadelphia FIGHT, PC4H was evaluated through the RWHAP Part F SPNS Social Media Initiative. The evaluation found that PC4H had positive impacts on retention in care and viral suppression.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Project CONNECT uses linkage coordinators to effectively engage people in HIV medical care. It focuses on people with newly diagnosed HIV or people with HIV who are transferring their care or have been out of care. AIDS Taskforce of Greater Cleveland implemented Project CONNECT as part of E2i, an initiative funded by the RWHAP Part F SPNS program from 2017–2021. Project CONNECT was successful in increasing the number of clients retained in HIV care and who reached viral suppression.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Avenue 360 Health and Wellness, a Federally Qualified Health Center, and AIDS Foundation Houston, a community-based AIDS Service Organization, implemented Project CORE. This intervention aimed to improve health outcomes for people with HIV through the coordination of supportive employment and housing services. Through Project CORE, 39% of participants were placed in housing and 39% gained employment.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Yale Community Health Care Van and Clinic, and Liberty Community Services, Inc., empowered clients to set and achieve employment and housing goals, as well as strengthened the ability of community-based organizations to provide related services. This initiative known as Project HERO was implemented between 2017 and 2020 as part of the HIV, Housing, and Employment SPNS initiative.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    STYLE 2.0 is a multi-component intervention designed to help reduce stigma and social isolation for Black gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. The intervention relies on health care navigators who facilitate linkage and engagement activities. They also connect clients to behavioral health providers who conduct motivational interviewing, as well as to a mobile application that supports all intervention activities. STYLE 2.0 participation has been associated with positive trends across HIV care continuum outcomes, including retention in care and increased viral suppression.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Project Vogue provided community-based care coordination, HIV care, and behavioral health services to Black men who have sex with men (MSM) within New York City’s House & Ball community to address the unique cultural barriers that Black MSM experience when trying to access care. Project Vogue participants were linked to behavioral health services as well as to non-clinical supportive services, such as food and housing assistance.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    The Ruth M. Rothstein CORE Center launched Proyecto Promover to decrease HIV testing-related stigma, increase awareness of HIV status, and increase early linkage to and retention in care among Mexicanos with HIV. The program operates at the community level through social marketing, educational talks, networking, and testing. On the individual level, Proyecto Promover uses one-on-one conversations to identify and overcome barriers related to care engagement and retention. Evaluation showed promising rates of HIV testing, retention in care, and viral suppression.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    SBIRT is designed to screen clients for drug and alcohol use, educate clients on the risks of use, and connect them to substance use treatment services if necessary. SBIRT is an evidence-informed intervention that has been adapted by HIV experts in collaboration with community members to improve health outcomes among people with HIV. Two sites implemented SBIRT as part of E2i, an initiative funded by the RWHAP Part F SPNS program from 2017–2021. Among the clients enrolled in SBIRT, the percentage with a prescription of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and who reached viral suppression both increased significantly.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Seeking Safety helps people who have experienced trauma and/or substance use disorder gain safe coping skills through a flexible 12-session intervention. The University of California, San Diego Mother Child Adolescent HIV Program and the Multicultural AIDS Coalition implemented Seeking Safety as part of E2i, an initiative funded by the RWHAP Part F SPNS program from 2017–2021. Participants had higher rates of retention in care and viral suppression after 12 months of the intervention.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Five clinics implemented Tailored Motivational Interviewing (TMI) to better serve young people with HIV as part of a RWHAP Part F SPNS initiative. Motivational interviewing is a well-documented approach to engage youth in care and facilitate behavior change in a variety of contexts. Clients participating in TMI received integrated HIV medical care and TMI, and demonstrated improved engagement in care and health outcomes.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Tailored Motivational Interviewing (TMI) delivers brief motivational interviewing counseling sessions customized to encourage people with HIV to engage in HIV care, take HIV medications as prescribed, and improve other health-related behaviors. Three sites implemented TMI as part of E2i, an initiative funded by the RWHAP Part F SPNS program from 2017 to 2021. Clients who participated in TMI had significant improvement in engagement in care, prescription of antiretroviral therapy, retention in care, and viral suppression.
  • Evidence-Informed Interventions (E2i)
    Tailored Motivational Interviewing (TMI) is an evidence-based intervention that provides brief motivational interviewing sessions to encourage engagement in HIV care and treatment.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Text Me, Girl! is a text messaging intervention that aims to improve linkage to and retention in HIV care, increase adherence to HIV medications, and improve viral suppression and other health outcomes among transgender women ages 18–34 years. The intervention supports young transgender women with HIV, particularly those experiencing barriers to care such as periods of homelessness and/or incarceration, substance misuse, or engaging in sex work. Text Me, Girl! participation was associated with statistically significant improvements in antiretroviral therapy uptake and adherence, and self-reported viral suppression.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    The Text Messaging Intervention to Improve Antiretroviral Adherence among HIV-Positive Youth (TXTXT) is designed to keep young people, particularly young, Black, gay, bisexual, same-gender loving, and other men who have sex with men, engaged in HIV medical care, by delivering personalized, daily, interactive text messages that remind them to take their antiretroviral therapy as prescribed. Two sites implemented TXTXT as part of E2i, an initiative funded by the RWHAP Part F SPNS program from 2017–2021. The intervention resulted in a statistically significant improvement in engagement in HIV care.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    The Alexis Project used social network recruiting and engagement, peer navigation, and contingency management to reach and engage transgender women of color with HIV who were not engaged in HIV care. Participation in the 18-month intervention improved linkage to care and viral suppression.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    The Village Project is an intensive case management-based intervention that harnesses peer navigation and integrated behavioral health services to improve the health outcomes of young Black gay, bisexual, and men who have sex with men. The Village Project was associated with increased retention in care and viral suppression.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Trauma-Informed Approach & Coordinated HIV Assistance and Navigation for Growth and Empowerment (TIA/CHANGE) was developed by HIV experts in collaboration with community members to improve health outcomes among people with HIV. Using a strength-based approach to HIV service provision, TIA/CHANGE offers guidance and structure for an organization to become trauma-informed. TIA/CHANGE includes enrollment of clients in trauma-informed intensive case management services. The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium implemented TIA/CHANGE as part of E2i, an initiative funded by the RWHAP Part F SPNS program from 2017–2021. Among clients participating in TIA/CHANGE there were improvements in prescription of ART and viral suppression.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Bienestar developed TransActivate to improve timely engagement and retention in HIV care among Latina transgender women. Linkage coordinators/peer navigators use a strengths-based approach to help clients reach their goals of entering and staying in medical care to ultimately reach viral suppression.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    T.W.E.E.T. aims to engage transgender women in HIV care by combining weekly peer-based education and discussion groups, leadership training, community building, and the provision of supportive services. Three sites implemented T.W.E.E.T. as part of E2i, an initiative funded by the RWHAP Part F SPNS program from 2017–2021. Clients had improved outcomes across the HIV care continuum 12 months after enrollment in T.W.E.E.T.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Transitional Care Coordination (TCC) connects people with HIV who are incarcerated with a transitional care coordinator to facilitate access to HIV primary care and other community-based services and supports, following their transition from jail back to the community. TCC aims to establish vital linkages between jail-based and community-based HIV care, and may be implemented by community-based organizations, clinics, health departments, or jails.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    The Arizona Department of Health Services partnered with three clinics to identify people with a dual diagnosis of HIV and HCV, determine their care needs, and link them to HCV treatment.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Viviendo Valiente aims to reduce ethnic disparities in HIV care and outcomes by providing culturally responsive services to the Latino/a community, specifically to people of Mexican descent. It is a multi-level intervention, featuring individual-, group-, and community-level activities, that links people to HIV care, offers HIV education and health literacy in group sessions, and promotes community-level testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Viviendo Valiente had positive impacts on HIV testing, retention in care, viral suppression, and client satisfaction.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    In weCare, a cyber health educator sent personalized messages through text, web-based apps, and Facebook to enrolled youth who identified as gay, bisexual, or other men who have sex with men (MSM), or transgender women, and who either had a new diagnosis of HIV or were not in care at the time of enrollment. Messages were personalized to each participant’s needs and were designed to support them as they navigated complicated health care systems as well as other challenges that affect care engagement (e.g., transportation, disclosure). The cyber health educator also moderated and posted information about health and well-being on an optional secret Facebook page that some participants chose to join. Participants were less likely to miss medical appointments and more likely to be virally suppressed after 12 months of the intervention.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    Wellness Web 2.0 is a text message-based intervention that offers health education tools, appointment reminders, and navigation services to increase linkage to and retention in care for youth and young adults with HIV. Clients across 27 counties in South Texas enrolled in the Wellness Web 2.0 program had improvements in linkage to HIV medical care and viral suppression.
  • Best Practices Compilation
    The YGetIt? Program engaged youth and young adults with HIV in care through three components: a health management mobile application (GET!), Peer Engagement Educator Professionals (PEEPs), and a graphic serial (Tested). Tested received over 200,000 views, and viral suppression rates among YGetIt? participants increased from 79% to 86% over the course of the program.


Training Modules


Conference Presentations

HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau, Division of Policy and Data
2022 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Department of Public Health, University of Massachusetts
Minu P. Mohan, Cecilia Flores-Rodríguez, Linda Sprague Martinez, Judith Scott, Alicia Downes, Angela Wangari Walter, Serena Rajabiun
2022 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
CAPT Tracy Matthews
2022 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Akil Pierre, Alpa Patel-Larson, Nupur Gupta, Lisa Reid, LaQuanta Smalley, Theresa Jumento, Wakina Scott, Aarathi Nagaraja
2022 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
Corliss Heath, Alicia Downes, Judith Scott, Letitia Burr
2022 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment

Technical Assistance

  • SPNS initiative on development of housing-related intervention strategies for three populations with HIV experiencing unstable housing: LGBTQ+; people ages 13-24); and people who have been justice involved. Project period: 2022-2025.
  • The ALAI UP Project will support the implementation and delivery of LAI ART at eight demonstration sites in EHE jurisdictions across the US providing care to underserved populations and communities of color.
  • SPNS project evaluating interventions that seek to improve the well-being of RWHAP clients 50 and older. Project period: 2022-2025.
  • Design, implementation, and evaluation of bundled evidence–informed interventions for Black women with HIV. Project period: 2020-2024.
  • Help with HRSA Electronic Handbooks (EHB) - 877-464-4772 - 8am-8pm ET, M-F - Contact HRSA About the EHB

  • Adaptation of HRSA HAB SPNS program insights into practical resources. Project period: 2023-2025.

  • Assessment of how, where, and why dissemination products are accessed and used, as well as the utility and performance of the products created under SPNS- and TA-funded initiatives. Project period: 2022-2025.
  • This SPNS initiative seeks to improve state capacity to collect and report HIV viral suppression data in the annual state Medicaid Adult Core Set reporting. Project period: 2021-2025.
  • Initiative documenting best practice strategies and interventions that have been shown to improve HIV outcomes in a "real world" setting and can be replicated by other programs. Project period: 2021-2024.
  • HRSA SPNS project applying the implementation science framework to identify innovative HIV interventions for three priority populations (people with substance use disorder, sexual minority youth, people involved in criminal justice system) and use of telehealth. Project period: 2021-2025.
  • SPNS initiative on implementation and evaluation of interventions that accelerate initiation of antiretroviral therapy (Rapid Start). Project period: 2020-2024.
  • Identify and maximize the use of telehealth strategies that are most effective in HIV care. Project period: 2022-2025.

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