Black MSM Behavioral Health Initiative

Two Men

The Black Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Initiative was a three-year Initiative that funded eight recipient sites to implement evidence-informed behavioral health interventions and/or models of care (MOCs) to engage, link, and retain Black MSM with HIV in medical care and supportive services. The interventions/MOCs included strategies to integrate behavioral health services, including substance use disorder treatment, with HIV care to specifically address the needs of Black MSM with HIV and improve their health outcomes. Intervention outcomes informed the development of implementation toolkits and other dissemination products in order to promote replication across the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) and other health care settings.

These sites chose from the four interventions and/or models of care (MOCs) from the Center for Engaging Black MSM across the Care Continuum (CEBACC) and National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)-identified HRSA/SPNS to implement culturally competent services for Black MSM with HIV. These interventions included a social marketing campaign, a case management program, recreation-based peer support, and motivational interviewing.

Replicating the Interventions

The products in this section are designed to facilitate the replication or adaption of successful interventions for engaging Black MSM in HIV medical care, behavioral health care, and support services and improving their health outcomes. Each of the eight interventions in the Black MSM Initiative developed implementation manuals, toolkits, and monographs that provide ideas for replication, lessons learned, and descriptions of key tools used to develop and implement the intervention that may be adapted or adopted by future programs.

Intervention Monographs

Each site developed a monograph that describes their intervention, key evaluation findings, and important lessons learned for future replicators. These monographs are compiled in Evidence-Informed Behavioral Health Models to Improve HIV Health Outcomes for Black Men who have Sex with Men Initiative and provide an introduction to the intervention, with more detailed information available in the manuals and toolkits linked in each site's section.


Contact Information

Project Contacts:

Chandria Jones, PhD, MPH
Senior Research Scientist
NORC at the University of Chicago
Sarah Hodge
Research Scientist
NORC at the University of Chicago

HRSA Contacts:

PO Name
Adan Cajina, MS


Funding Mechanism: Cooperative Agreement

Recipient Organization: NORC at the University of Chicago

Grant number: U90HA31812

Project Period: 2018-2022