The Arizona Department of Health Services partnered with three clinics to identify people with a dual diagnosis of HIV and HCV, determine their care needs, and link them to HCV treatment.
Beyond the care continuum
Data utilization approach; Outreach and reengagement activities
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services was one of seven health departments funded by Leveraging a Data to Care Approach to Cure Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Within the RWHAP Part F SPNS initiative implemented from 2020–2022. With the support of the Yale University School of Medicine, which served as the Technical Assistance Provider, MDHHS matched RWHAP and HIV and HCV surveillance data, calculated HCV viral clearance cascades for coinfected populations, and worked with three RWHAP clinics to generate clinic-based lists of coinfected clients and conduct outreach and linkage to HCV treatment.
Beyond the care continuum
Data utilization approach; Outreach and reengagement activities
The HIV clinic at Washington University integrated comprehensive hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening and treatment into its care model. Chronic HCV is a “silent” infection as it damages the liver over time, often without symptoms. Early treatment of HCV is particularly important among people with HIV, as HIV accelerates HCV’s progression. Of the 1,711 clients served at the clinic each year, 174 had a detectable HCV viral load. These clients received integrated clinical and support services to reduce barriers to ongoing HCV care engagement.
Beyond the care continuum
Clinical service delivery model
The University of California San Francisco, San Francisco General Hospital HIV Clinic developed a care model to enhance access to hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment among people with HIV by co-locating care and creating a multidisciplinary team. Developed as part of the RWHAP Part F SPNS Hepatitis C Treatment Expansion Initiative, this model of care led to a considerable decrease in the number of people with HIV who were coinfected with HCV among the patients served by San Francisco General Hospital during the 2010 and 2011 demonstration years.
Beyond the care continuum
Clinical service delivery model