Oral Health and Primary Care Integration TOOLKIT

The toolkit includes best practices, tips and links to resources to help improve integration of oral health and primary care for people with HIV.


The toolkit includes seven components of oral health and primary care integration. Ask: Assessment of risk of oral health disease Examine: Oral health examination to identify active disease Educate: Tailored education to improve oral health care literacy Intervene: Primary care interventions to reduce risk and treat disease Refer: Referral to oral health care provider for more extensive care Support: Patient navigation to improve treatment adherence Share: Data sharing between primary and oral health care settings Each of these components includes tips and recommendations for best practices, which are designed to help providers identify areas to improve care integration at their own sites. Each section offers findings regardless of where oral health care is delivered. This toolkit begins with a brief overview of the components of integration and the models of oral health care delivery observed in the literature and in site visits. Each components includes best practices and links to resources to illustrate what effective integration looks like and how to build and sustain oral health delivery over time.

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