Rural Oral Health Toolkit

Rural Oral Health Toolkit

This toolkit is for the general population, but can have beneficial application to programs serving PLWH in rural settings.

Welcome to the Rural Oral Health Toolkit. The Toolkit is designed to help you identify and implement an oral health program in your community. It also provides you with resources and best practices.

The toolkit is made up of several modules. Each concentrates on different aspects of oral health programs. Modules also include resources for you to use in developing a program for your area. There are more resources on general community health strategies available in the Rural Community Health Toolkit.

Module 1: Introduction
An overview of oral health in rural communities.

Module 2: Program Models
Oral health program models and ways to adapt these programs to meet your community’s needs.

Module 3: Implementation
Resources that support the implementation of oral health programs.

Module 4: Planning for Sustainability
Strategies to ensure the sustainability of your oral health program.

Module 5: Evaluating Rural Oral Health Programs
A framework for evaluation, methods and considerations, and metrics for oral health programs.

Module 6: Dissemination
Methods for disseminating results from your oral health program.

Module 7: Program Clearinghouse
Examples of oral health programs that have been implemented in rural communities.

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