Key Resource Allocation Requirements for Both Part A and Part B Recipients

Important Resource Allocation Considerations

  • Resource allocation should be data-driven, informed by needs assessments and the determination of priority services.
  • Federal grant award funds must be allocated annually. The budget, allocations report, and implementation plan must be included in the annual Program Terms Report (PTR), which is due to HRSA 90 days after the full award date.  Please note that program income and rebates are not reported in the PTR.
  • The budget must include dollar amounts for prioritized core medical and support services, and the implementation plan must include the anticipated units of service to be provided and number of clients to receive each service.

Funding Requirements

  • RWHAP funds are required to be the payer of last resort.
  • Awarded funds must complement, not replace, local funds for HIV services, and recipients must maintain the same level of local, non-RWHAP expenditures on HIV-related services from the previous fiscal year.
  • At least 75% of the RWHAP Part A HIV Emergency Relief Grant Program (H89), Part B HIV Care Program Award (X07) [made up of five components; see Part B section below], and Part B Supplemental Grant Program (X08) must be spent on core medical services, unless the recipient has received a Core Medical Services Waiver.1 No more than 25% of awarded funds shall be spent on Support Services.2
  • Grant administration, planning, and evaluation are capped at 15% of the budget.  Planning/evaluation (jointly) and administration (including indirect costs) each cannot exceed 10% of the budget. Up to 5% of awarded funds, or $3 million (whichever is less), may be spent on quality management activities.
  • Recipients must create and implement a schedule of charges for services delivered to clients with incomes above 100% of the federal poverty level (FPL). Charges may be based on a flat rate or a varying rate (sliding fee scale), and are incorporated into the RWHAP budget as program income.   

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IHAP TA Center

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