Innovative HIV Care Strategies for Priority Populations: Housing First and Positive Peers Interventions

Review of two interventions that focus on priority populations affected by the HIV epidemic: youth and people with HIV who are experiencing homelessness or unstable housing.

  • Positive Peers is a mobile app with companion social media and a website that aims to engage young people in HIV care and connect them to a private, stigma-free, supportive community of peers from all over the U.S. The intervention provides free, easy-to-understand HIV health and wellness information written with young people in mind. 
  • Housing First to Treat and Prevent HIV is an intervention designed to help clients achieve both viral suppression and housing stability. Clients are connected to both a housing specialist and a medical case manager who work with them to identify needs, set goals, secure resources, and move toward health and housing stability together.

This session is part of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part F Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) Webinar Series. 

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