2020 National Ryan White Conference Plenary Sessions

Opening Plenary speakers focused on Ending the HIV Epidemic and HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau’s COVID-19 response. Dr. Fauci provided an update on the latest scientific advancements in HIV.


  • Laura Cheever, MD, ScM Associate Administrator for HIV/AIDS Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration


  • Thomas J. Engels Administrator, Health Resources and Services Administration Hon. 
  • Alex M. Azar II Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 
  • Anthony S. Fauci, MD Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 

Day two plenary speakers focused on how optimizing public health is accomplished through community engagement. Community partners held a round table discussion. Recipient speakers described successful linkage to care and integrated housing programs that improved health outcomes.


  • Antigone Dempsey
    Director, Division of Policy and Data, HIV/AIDS Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration

Panel Participants: 

  • Larry Scott-Walker
    Executive Director, THRIVE Support Services
  • Marissa Miller
    Founder and Senior Director, National Trans Visibility March; CEO, TransSolutions LLC
  • Leandro Rodriguez, MBA
    Director of Programs, Latino Commission on AIDS
  • Moisés Agosto-Rosario
    Director of Treatment, National Minority AIDS Council


  • Claire Farel, MD, MPH
    Medical Director, UNC Infectious Diseases Clinic, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Jamie Shank
    Quality & Housing Services Manager, City of Kansas City, Missouri Health Department

Day three speakers focused on innovating care to improve health outcomes for people with HIV. RWHAP recipient speakers discussed telemedicine in the rural south, outreach, care and treatment for the unstably housed, transitioning youth to adult care, and transgender health care.


Captain Mahyar Mofidi, DMD, PhD
Director, Division of Community HIV/AIDS Programs, HIV/AIDS Bureau, Health Resources and Services

Administration Speakers:

  • Michael Ray Murphree, LICSW
    CEO, Medical Advocacy and Outreach
  • Jennifer K. Brody, MD, MPH,
    AAHIVS Director, HIV Services, Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program
  • Laurenzo Surrell-Page
    Empowering Positive Youth Peer Navigator, Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
  • Chelsea Gulden, MSW
    Vice President of Operations, Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
  • Jennifer Suski, FNP-BC,
    AAHIVS Primary Care, Family and Transgender Health Clinician, CrescentCare

The Closing Plenary speakers highlighted the last 30 years of the RWHAP, including its origin, its evolution, and its ongoing impact on people with HIV in the United States.


  • Heather Hauck, MSW, LICSW
    Deputy Associate Administrator, HIV/AIDS Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration


  • ADM Brett P. Giroir, MD
    Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • Mrs. Jeanne White-Ginder
    Ryan White’s Mother
  • Jesse Milan Jr., JD
    President and CEO, AIDS United

The 2020 Ryan White National Conference (RWNC) featured one plenary a day. Each plenary had a topical focus and multiple speakers ranging from Federal officials, community partners, recipients, and people living with and affected by HIV.

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