CAREWare and the 2021 ADR

Review of CAREWare and ADR reporting: 2021 ADR Changes, ADR Eligible Clients, CAREWare updates, and a live demo of running ADR reports and generating the XML File.

Webinar Sections

  • Today's Goals (1:56)
  • 2021 ADR Changes (2:34)
  • Transition to NDC's  (3:40)
  • ADR Eligible Clients & Client Report (4:14)
  • Issues/Challenges Preparing the ADR in CAREWare (5:17)
  • Live Demo (8:46)
  • Uploading Client-Level Data (45:45)
  • Client Upload Section (46:05)
  • ADR Webinars (47:30)
  • Contact Information (48:11)

ADAP Data Report (ADR) Submission Timeline


Supporting Files

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