ADAP Data Report (ADR) Submission Timeline

Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team

The Recipient Report is based on your grant year cycle, while the client-level data file (Client Report) is based on a calendar year cycle. The information in the Recipient Report is related to how you run your programs so using the grant period makes more sense. Client-level data needs to remain on the calendar year to align with the RSR data collection approach.

Key Dates for 2023 ADR Submission

Reporting period: 1/1/2023 to 12/31/2023
Reporting period: 4/1/2023 to 3/31/2024
Monday, February 5, 20242023 ADR Check Your XML and Data Quality Feature opens 
Monday, April 1, 20242023 ADR Web System opens for 2023 data submission2023 ADR Web System opens for 2023 data submission
Monday, April 22, 2024Start your Recipient Report 
Monday, June 3, 2024ADRs must be in “Submitted” status by 6:00 PM ET.ADRs must be in “Submitted” status by 6:00 PM ET.

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