Explanation of how to collect CDR data on the types of services provided and number of people served for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19 among RWHAP-eligible clients.
The CDR will collect aggregate information on the number of RWHAP-eligible clients and immediate household members tested for COVID-19, the number of RWHAP-eligible clients newly diagnosed (or presumed positive) with COVID-19, the cumulative number of RWHAP-eligible clients with COVID-19, the number of RWHAP-eligible clients and immediate household members who received services in each RWHAP service category (identified in Policy Clarification Notice 16-02 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services: Eligible Individuals and Allowable Uses of Funds), and the types of services provided using telehealth technology in the CDR. The information obtained in this module will assist HRSA HAB in understanding how CARES Act RWHAP funding is being used to support RWHAP clients (and immediate household members in limited circumstances) and ensures that HRSA HAB is compliant with federal reporting requirements.
How to Access the CDR
Recipients and recipient-providers will access the CDR via the EHBs. Subrecipients will submit their data via HRSA HAB’s Reg Login server.
CDR data submissions are due monthly.