Charting the Course for the Next Five Years: 2022-2026 Goals, Objectives, and Strategies

The fourth webinar in our series, Charting the Course for the Next Five Years: 2022-2026 Goals, Objectives, and Strategies, focuses on Section V of the Integrated Plan Guidance - 2022-2026 Goals and Objectives. This section details the "what" and "how" of your Integrated Plan, and will serve as the playbook for health departments, service providers, stakeholders, and people with HIV through 2026. During the webinar, presenters from the West Central Florida Ryan White Care Council

  • Reviewed the case study of Tampa-St. Petersburg's integrated plan development 

  • Drew on the Integrated Plan experience and provided lessons learned and recommendations for developing the monitoring tools.

Speakers from the IHAP TAC presented on how to develop components of the goals and objectives section, and provided relevant resources on drafting SMART goals. 

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