CQII Eliminating Disparities Due to Age - Core Interventions

Core interventions related to addressing age-related disparities in viral suppression rates, for use in Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP)-Funded Clinics. Interventions cover:

  • Active Referral Intervention
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Training on Continuous Improvement
  • Trauma-Informed Approaches
  • Uber Health (or similar) Transportation Services
  • Use of Peer Navigators
  • Waiting Room Milieu Manager
  • Walk-In Availability and Open Access to Care
  • Case Conferencing to Support ART Adherence
  • The Undetectables Program
  • Patient Navigator Model (SPNS Project)
  • Patient Self Care Plans
  • U=U Education Initiatives
  • Collaborative Care Model
  • Tele-Health to increase ART Adherence


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CQII Center for Quality Improvement and Innovation (CQII)

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