Digital Marketing Strategies to End the HIV Epidemic

This webinar discusses the importance of digital marketing to help advance programmatic goals for ending the HIV epidemic. Presenters share their planning considerations for digital marketing and the Missouri and Fulton County EHE jurisdictions share their firsthand experiences in implementing campaigns to increase linkage to and retention in care. CAI’s Imagine: Ending HIV. It’s Possible national campaign is showcased with its toolkit of customizable resources.

By the end of this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Explain the difference between social media and digital marketing.
  • Discuss the importance of digital marketing as a strategy for ending the HIV epidemic.
  • Describe how digital media platforms can be used to reach specific audiences with HIV care information and resources.
  • Understand the options and considerations for the strategic utilization of funds for EHE jurisdictions and sub-recipients/providers.

Purpose of the webinar (0:00)

Introduction of Speakers & Learning Objectives (1:17)

Social Marketing vs. Social Media (2:17)
Robbyn Kistler, Senior Consultant for KFF Social Impact Media, defines key terms and
the difference between social marketing and social media.

Why Use Digital Marketing (7:59)
Robbyn Kistler expands on the six reasons why programs should consider using digital
social marketing to aid in their End the HIV Epidemic plans.

Planning Considerations (16:40)
Robbyn Kistler shares options and considerations for strategic utilization of funds and
highlights ready-made assets that can be adapted to local needs.

EHE Jurisdictions: Digital Marketing Case Studies (22:52)
Spotlighting digital marketing case examples active in jurisdictions including Increasing
Linkage to Care in Atlanta (Fulton County), Ending the HIV Epidemic in Missouri, and the
TAP-in Imagine. Ending HIV. It's Possible. Campaign.

Q&A (47:47)

TAP-in/TA Training (56:39)

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