This zip file package includes the Required Reporting Templates to be used by all RWHAP Parts A and B recipients for submitting the Unmet Need estimates and analyses to HRSA HAB. Also included are the Optional Calculation Tables to assist recipients in gathering and calculating the Unmet Need estimates and analyses. They are intended to be used locally and are not required to be submitted to HRSA HAB.
Versions 1 & 2: Auto-Populate and Not Auto-Populate
There are two versions of the Unmet Need reporting templates:
- Version 1 (V1) will auto-populate reporting template A and B based on information included in the calculation tables.
- Version 2 (V2) will not auto-populate reporting templates A and B, regardless of information inputted in the calculation templates.
Locked and Unlocked Versions
Additionally, there are locked versions of V1 and V2, as well as unlocked versions of V1 and V2. Unlocked versions of the reporting templates are provided in case you need to make modification to the table formatting.
Modifications to the reporting template should not change the definitions for each unmet need component (late diagnosed, unmet need, and in care by not virally suppressed).
Note: Modifications made to the reporting templates could affect the integrity of the data being auto-populated. Thus, if you utilize the unlocked versions of the reporting templates and make modifications to the table format, you should use V2 to ensure that the information being reported is accurate.”