Methodology for Estimating Unmet Need Instruction Manual

Abt Associates HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB)
Unmet need manual cover

Update to the Unmet Need Methodology for Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Parts A and B recipients, including:

  • Background on the unmet need requirement.
  • Summary of how changes to the methodology were determined.
  • Instructions for RWHAP Parts A and Part B recipients on how to calculate unmet need using the updated methodology.

Once you determine if you are using the Required Unmet Need Estimates and Analysis (chapter 3) or the Enhanced Unmet Need Estimates and Analysis (chapter 4) approach, you will only need to review the section of the manual that covers that approach.

See also the related RWHAP Unmet Need Required Reporting Templates and Optional Calculation Tables (Excel). The manual contains references to these templates and tables.

The manual was updated on February 11, 2021 with a change of terminology from "Target Populations" to "Priority Populations" to align with HRSA HAB terminology changes. 

The manual was updated on May 28, 2021 with clarifications and the appendix now includes a list of the HIV-Related Lab Tests for Population Size for HIV Surveillance Data. 


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