Innovative HIV Care Strategies for Individuals Who Are Not In Care or Have a New HIV Diagnosis

IHIP: Innovative HIV Care Strategies Out-of-Care

Webinar featuring two HIV care interventions that address specific challenges faced by people with HIV as they provide comprehensive care and support. 

  • The San Francisco Department of Public Health’s (SFDPH) LINCS program is an overarching HIV and syphilis partner services, linkage to care, and Navigation program. LINCS stands for: Linkage, Integration, Navigation, and Comprehensive Services (LINCS) Navigation Intervention. LINCS Navigation is a subset of this program that aims to provide short-term support (up to 90 days) to persons with HIV who could benefit from assistance linking to HIV care and navigating the health system/barriers to accessing care. LINCS Navigators are Disease Intervention Specialists who have received training on sexually transmitted infections, HIV, and sexual health. They have also received specialized training on how to help people with HIV navigate insurance; how to find an HIV care provider and clinic that is convenient and welcoming; and how to support someone with HIV access antiretroviral treatment medication and care.
  • The HIV Clinical Pharmacist Services intervention focuses on decreasing the time between referral and linkage to care for clients with newly diagnosed HIV. The intervention expedites clients’ engagement with care through initial appointments with pharmacists operating under a collaborative practice agreement, allowing them to meet with referred clients, collect abbreviated client history, and prescribe antiretroviral therapy, thereby decreasing the amount of time needed to initiate care. 

This session is part of the IHIP Webinar Series, Replicating Innovative HIV Care Strategies in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program.

CE credit is available for individuals who attend the live webinar. To learn more about CE credits offered through the IHIP webinar series, visit the IHIP Continuing Education Information page.

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