Integrating Services to Address the Syndemics of HIV, STIs, Substance Use Disorder, and Viral Hepatitis

No health issue stands alone. HIV, STIs, viral hepatitis, and substance use disorder are increasingly recognized as a syndemic.

In this webinar, learn why it is important for Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Jurisdictions to consider how they can integrate services using a Syndemic approach.

By the end of this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Describe three core concepts of Syndemic Theory
  • Explain two reasons for why it makes sense to approach HIV/STIs/VH/SUD as a Syndemic rather than separate epidemics
  • Discuss two examples of applying a Syndemic approach to integrate services
  • Identify at least two of the lessons learned from planning and implementing a Syndemic approach

Webinar Sections

Introduction to Syndemic Theory (4:02)

An overview of syndemic theory, overarching characteristics defining a syndemic, syndemics examples, and more.
Why the Syndemic Approach Makes Sense to Address

HIV/STIs/VH/SUD (12:37)

Anticipated challenges in the implementation of a syndemic approach, where can we utilize a syndemic approach, strategies to address syndemics, important principles when implementing a syndemic approach, and more.

The Syndemic Approach in Action: Experiences from the Field (21:33)

An overview of working with the California Department of Public Health in syndemic planning to address HIV, hepatitis C, and STIs statewide. Implementing and sustaining testing, linkage,and treatment services to address the syndemic of HIV, HCV, and syphilis in emergency departments (EDs).

TAP-in Training and TA (55:42)

TAP-in Technical Assistance Offerings, How to Request TA, and closing.

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