In It Together Health Literacy Project

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The In It Together Health Literacy Project was a training initiative designed to help health professionals incorporate health literacy approaches into their services. The project launched in 2014 and ended in June 2019. The ultimate goal of In It Together was to improve engagement and retention in HIV care and treatment.

There were two In It Together training initiatives:

  1. Improving Health Literacy for All: Designed for health professionals serving a diverse spectrum of people with and at risk for HIV 
  2. Improving Health Literacy for Black MSM: Designed for health professionals serving Black/African American gay, bisexual, same gender loving men, and other men who have sex with men (MSM)

While the project is no longer active, the customized resources for each In It Together initiative are still available.

Logo for In It Together Health Literacy Black MSM


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In It Together Health Literacy for All

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