In It Together Posters and Brochures

These posters and brochures for providers and consumers are tailored for the In It Together: Improving Health Literacy for All and In It Together: Improving Health Literacy for Black MSM health literacy training initiatives.


The posters are designed to stimulate health literate conversations between health professionals and their clients and to encourage clients to ask questions when they don’t understand the information or guidance they receive. 

Each poster is designed to print as a standard 4-page document. The 4 pages can be taped together to form the poster, which allows any organization to print the poster using its standard office printer. Each poster is also available in Spanish.

Health Professional Brochure

This resource provides health literacy information and approaches to help health professionals offer clear HIV care and treatment information to their clients while engaging them in discussions about their desired health outcomes.

Consumer HIV Care Brochure

The consumer HIV care brochure helps people with HIV to find, understand, and use information about their HIV care so they can make health care choices that are right for them. This brochure teaches skills such as how to ask questions to get the information needed to make informed decisions about HIV care and treatment.

This resource was developed by

JSI In It Together

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