Discussion of key stakeholder engagement in your Planning Council/Planning Body (PC/PB).
Planning Councils (PC) and Planning Bodies (PB) are built around strong engagement from the community, but PC/PB community members may think they need to have already developed leadership knowledge and skills before stepping into PC/PB leadership roles. In this webinar, we will show you that whoever you are and wherever you come from, 'You Are Somebody!" and you, too, can become an effective leader in your local PC/PB! We will feature an expert panel of community members who developed their leadership skills through working with their local PC/PB while exploring typical PC/PB leadership roles and structures, important knowledge areas and skill sets for leaders, and sample training and orientation plans.
- Demonstrate an understanding of how syndemics and health disparities impact HIV health outcomes.
- Explain expectations for Planning Council/Planning Body (PC/PB) involvement in the coordination of services and relationships with programs not funded by RWHAP Part A.
- Explain the legislative requirements for key stakeholder representation in PC/PB membership.