Sessions on various topics related to effective planning body operations.
- Discussion of key stakeholder engagement in your Planning Council/Planning Body (PC/PB).
- Panel of experts discuss how they made effective adjustments to their PC/PB operations due to COVID-19 and/or other disruptive events such as natural disasters.
- Discussion of ways to develop leaders in your Planning Council/Planning Body (PC/PB).
- How to instill cultural competence and create actively inclusive environments in your PC/PB through every learning opportunity.
- Description of how Planning Councils/Planning Bodies (PC/PBs) can move toward achieving cultural reflectiveness and responsiveness.
- Overview of the HIV system of care and how PC/PBs can help strengthen it.
- Exploration of ways of conducting PSRA in hybrid and virtual environments.
- Strategies PC/PBs can use to reconcile various viewpoints when conducting PC/PB business to meet the needs of Ryan White HIV/AIDS (RWHAP) consumers.
- Review of challenges and successes of Planning Councils/Planning Bodies’ (PCs/PBs) with meeting legislative requirements a year into the COVID-19 public health emergency.
- Best practices for developing, implementing, and maintaining work plans for planning bodies.
- Use of service standards in planning to help ensure the quality care for people with HIV.
- Building consumer leadership skills and strategies to help ensure and amplify consumer input into PC/PB activities.
- Improving reflectiveness and representation by working to build up youth and young adult involvement in PC/PBs.
- Methods to creatively present data in accessible formats.
- Strategies that planning councils/planning bodies (PC/PBs) can use to gather, analyze, and incorporate data into their RWHAP HIV planning activities.
- Insights on ways that planning councils/planning bodies (PC/PBs) and RWHAP recipients can identify and address points of tension.
Strategies to improve recruitment and retention of new PC/PB members.
Review of the needs assessment process that RWHAP Part A planning councils/planning bodies conduct annually, with a case study on consumer leadership of the needs assessment process.
- Review of the relationships between planning councils/planning bodies and other essential programs
Review of the duties and roles of RWHAP Part A planning council/planning body members, planning council support staff, and RWHAP Part A recipients.