RWHAP Part C, Part D, & Part F Dental Programs Stakeholder Meeting - July 2024



DCHAP Updates 

  • Part C EIS Balance of Awards: All FY 2024 awards have been released; RWHAP Part D WICY Supplemental (HRSA-24-061)/Anticipate awards to be released in August 2024; RWHAP Part C Capacity Development (HRSA-24-062)/Anticipate awards to be released by September 1, 2024.
  • Upcoming FFR Deadlines.
  • Maternal and Infant Health Mapping Tool.

HIV/AIDS Bureau Updates 

  • mpox (recipients' role; Allowable use of RWHAP funds to purchase JYNNEOS).
  • 2024 National Ryan White Conference).
  • Ryan White Program 2030 Updates (EHE, Vision, Future Discussions).

Engaging Persons with Lived Experience 

  • Community Engagement and the RWHAP.
  • Why Is Community Engagement Important? 
  • Guiding Principles.
  • Rapping with Ryan White Panel.

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